Privacy Statement

In line with the General Data Protection Regulation, The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust takes your privacy very seriously and will ensure that your personal data is safe and kept confidential.

Below we have laid out how we obtain, store and use your personal information.

You can rest assured that we will never pass your personal information onto a third person for them to use for their marketing purposes.

A quick summary of what you need to know

  • We are The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Limited
  • We don’t share your personal information with any third parties for their own marketing purposes
  • When purchasing tickets we collect basic information, such as name, email address, home address and visiting patterns
  • If you have expressed interest in supporting our charity work, we keep your contact details and information about your areas of interest, past or potential donations
  • We use this information to administer tickets, and donations, keep you informed and analysis which museums you have visited
  • If you have given us your permission we will send you emails about all aspects of our work, including events, offers, museum developments and fundraising campaigns
  • We employ companies to help us send you emails and letters or to analyse our visitors’ characteristics in order to help make our marketing more efficient.  Whilst we pass on your details to these companies, they only use your information for our purposes and they never share it with anyone else
  • We have systems in place to ensure that your information is safe in our hands

Who are we?

We are the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Limited, the charitable organisation that runs the ten museums in the Ironbridge Gorge, including Blists Hill Victorian Town, Enginuity, Coalport China Museum, Jackfield Tile Museum, Tar Tunnel, Darby Houses, Museum of The Gorge, The Iron Bridge Tollhouse, Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron and Broseley Pipeworks. We have a sister company The Ironbridge Gorge Trading Company.

Our charity number is 503717-R and our company number is 918560.

You can contact us during office hours on 01952 435 900 asking for the Marketing Department or email

What personal data do we collect?

When you buy or present a new Annual Passport Ticket at some of our museums, we will ask you for your name, address and email address, so we can register your ticket on our electronic database system. This helps us track your ticket if you lose it and also lets us know when it is due for renewal.

When you visit some of our museums the staff scan your ticket, this records the date and time of your arrival.

If you have Gift Aided your donation, we also collect your name and address and that you are a UK Tax payer. We share this data with HMRC to process your Gift Aid Declaration.

Donations made to the Trust are also recorded and we keep a record of donors’, name, address, donation history including information about what appeals they have donated to and what areas they are interested in supporting.

We keep very detailed staff and volunteer records.

We process the Personal Data of people who have booked group and school visits, conferences, wedding and other functions, visits or activities.  This includes name, contact details and all the information about their booking.


We collect CCTV image across our museums for the purposes of crime detection and prevention, the safety and security of our staff, volunteers visitors and collections.

If you have any questions about our use of CCTV please email or call 01952 435900.

What do we use the information for?

If you have given us permission to email you, we use this information to send you details about different museum events and activities that you might be interested in and reminders about museums that you have not yet visited. We will also send you details about our charitable work of education and heritage conservation and associated fundraising campaigns.

We record which aspects of our work we think you will be interested in, so we can send you relevant information and different fundraising campaigns.

We analyse your visiting history and send you specific emails about events and activities that we think will be of interest to you based on your past visits and reminders about when your ticket is due for renewal.

Your contact information is used to register and administer your ticket and helps identify the owner of a ticket if it is lost or stolen.

We analyse our visitor profiles to help inform our marketing campaigns.

We keep detailed staff and volunteer records for administrative and welfare reasons.

CCTV images are used for crime prevention and detection.

Who do we share this information with?

We do not sell, rent or share your Personal Data with any third parties for their marketing purposes.

If you have Gift Aided your donation, we share your detail with HMRC so we can claim the Gift Aid back.

We share your Personal Data with other companies who are working under our direct control to help us perform specific tasks. These are called Data Processors.

They only use your data for our specified purpose and do not share it with anyone else. We promice that they will keep your Personal Data safe and secure.

These companies change from time to time and you should regularly check to see if these companies have changed. They include

  • Companies who send emails to all our database on our behalf.  When they do this we gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies including clear gifs to help us monitor and improve our newsletter
  • Companies who send letters to our database on our behalf
  • Different research companies who analyse our database for us and provide market research information to help inform our activities
  • Stripe who process your payment for all online sales. Please note that you provide them with your financial information and at no stage do we have access to this information
  • Companies that operate our IT systems and website.

We stress that all of the above will only use your Personal Data for our purposes, they will not use it for any other reason or share it with any other organisations.

We will share your personal details with a relevant authority if required to do so by law.

Your rights

You are entitled to see information we hold on you. Under GDPR this is called a Subject Access Request. You can ask for this information in by any means, but we suggest that you call or email the Marketing Deparment on the contact details below.

You will also need to prove to us your identity, by supplying original or notarised photo ID. It is important that you prove your identity before we can send you any details.

We will respond within one calendar month.

If you require this information, please call us on 01952 435 900 or email  

You can ask us to stop writing to you at any time, please email your request to

You can ask us to update your records at any time, please email your request to

We will also consider a request from you to stop processing your Personal Data, however we may decide that it is essential for us to keep processing your data. If you want us to stop processing your data, please write to us explaining why by emailing

Should you wish to complain or discuss the way that we are handling your information, please contact

You can also seek further advice from the Information Commissioners Office ICO, details can be found at

We review this policy on a regular basis. It was last reviewed in May 2024.

You can read the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust's Data Protection Policy